Benefits of Peer Leader Involvement in the New Leader Hiring Process
Megan Daschbach, Matthew Kummer, Mason Leffler, Sara DaCunha, Noah Naddaff-Slocum, & Yulin Deng
Washington University in St. Louis
Hiring Peer Leaders with the highest potential to effectively serve as facilitators is essential for the ongoing success of any Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) program. Peer Leaders seek to uphold the PLTL philosophy while fostering a welcoming and productive work environment in their groups. There, students are encouraged to expand their understanding of course material and develop key group-learning skills. At Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri (WashU), current leaders are intimately involved in the selection process of new leaders. Leaders provide unique and valuable insights into the qualifications of candidates at every stage in the hiring process. Current Peer Leaders further the development of leadership in the program and gain vital professional skills to inform their later academic and professional endeavors.
Keywords: Hiring Process, Letters of Recommendation, Professional Development, Translatable Skills
Recommended Citation
Daschbach, M., Kummer, M., Leffler, M., DaCunha, S., Naddaff-Slocum, N., & Deng, Y. (2024). Benefits of Peer Leader Involvement in The New Leader Hiring Process. Advances in Peer-Led Learning, 4, 38-50. Online at